For the Healing of All Our Relations
With a select shamanic family, or ayllu, we will be sharing the wisdom-traditions that have been shared with us. Other community experts in shamanism and ceremony are also invited to share in our ayllu so that we may benefit from multiple wisdom-traditions. Could you be one of our family members? Sky Spirit Shamans is a two-year intensive program, where participants are empowered to embody deeper expressions of:
In embracing this destiny, a path where my heart, soul and spirit meet service, Sky Spirit Shamans is birthed, an offering for our community and world, in deepest humbleness, honoring and gratitude to the Ancient Ones, our Ancestors, and all the Indigenous Peoples and Cultures who have provide healing wisdom since time immemorial. ~ Denise Sheehan This is not just a series of workshops. This is a shared sacred journey, supportive of each and all-of-us in our becoming, our expansion and evolution as luminous Beings, in heartful kinship. Are you ready for this epic journey? |
Within a Medicine Wheel framework, we embark on a journey of four directions (South, West, North, East) over the course of two years, including:
>Upon completion of this two-year program, participants will be:
> Among the fifth ayllu (family) of Certified Sky Spirit Shamans > Certified Reiki Master Teachers > Conscious channels through The Stargate Experience > Accomplished in life-coaching fundamentals > Ceremonialists > Acknowledged on the Sage Spirit website as Certified Sky Spirit Shamans > On-going membership in Sky Spirit Shamans collective, with access to wisdom, plus training and celebratory events |
> > Attend all in-person events, a total of 24 weekends, approximately monthly > Purchase and read required texts > Participate in homework forum in “secret” group on facebook, opening on March 1, with homework including: * Interactive discussions based on reading and practices (inquiries may be generated by course facilitator and participants for deeper discoveries) * Report on practice healing sessions in a way that honors “client” confidentiality (five minimum per direction) > Co-create ceremonies to honor sacredness of the journey > Participate in self-evaluation process to deeply integrate wisdom and experiences > Offer your instructor a private session as a final exam > Engage in this program with the highest degree of ethics and integrity as possible |
Tuition includes:
The cost for this program is $8888. Note: If you’ve taken Reiki workshops with us in the past, please enjoy a discount in the amount of classes formerly purchased. For assistance in calculating your available discounts, feel free to contact Denise. |
The cost for this program is $8888. The first payment is $2222 to cover the first six months of the program, followed by quarterly payments of $1111. Students may also make 21 payments of $444, which totals $9324. Payments accepted as cash, check, Zelle, or credit card through PayPal.
Note: If you pre-pay the entire tuition, please be firm in your commitment to the program. Your last date for a refund of un-used funding will be May 31, 2024. By that time, you will have a good sense of what awaits, and we want to make sure you have all the support you need going forward. |
Please note that following each six month cycle within the medicine wheel, you will have a self-evaluation and evaluation consultation to explore your benefits and progress in the program. We want to make sure that we are fully supporting you in your success, and that your life circumstances allow you to show up fully for your own success. We offer valuable wisdom and support through our Sky Spirit infrastructure, but the deep healing work we invite may bring challenging discoveries in our personal awareness and in our need for healing. Please make sure you are ready and willing to lean into your deeper work, as the path to becoming a shaman is a both a privilege and responsibility. While each lesson on the journey offers life-changing wisdom and experience, we must earn the rite to continue the journey by staying true to our sacred paths. Our evaluation process will help us to remain mindful of our commitment.
We have some availability for partial and full scholarships, priority given to Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
We have some availability for partial and full scholarships, priority given to Black, Indigenous and People of Color.
“Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth Walk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of separation and goodness will prevail. Some details of Earth changes will come into the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe. Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each person will be able to use their gifts with joy and share equally in the bounty created by all those working together. The other teachings of the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be released at a later time when more have awakened to the potential they carry.”
~ from the Grandmothers of Jamie Sams
Now is the time for the Rainbow Warriors to stand united, to dream a new world to share our gifts, to walk deeper into our destiny in loving, supportive family and community.
~ from the Grandmothers of Jamie Sams
Now is the time for the Rainbow Warriors to stand united, to dream a new world to share our gifts, to walk deeper into our destiny in loving, supportive family and community.